
Grassroots and Collective Organizations

999 Call for the NHS:  Beginning as the Darlomums who marched from Jarrow to London in 2014, a grassroots organization fighting to save the NHS from private corporations.

Basic Income Earth Network:  Serves as a link between individuals and groups committed to, or interested in, basic income and to foster informed discussion on this topic.

Basic Income UK:  An independent collective promoting unconditional basic income as a progressive social policy for the United Kingdom

Equality Trust: The Equality Trust works to improve the quality of life in the UK by reducing economic inequality.

Fawcett Society: The UK’s leading charity for women’s equality and rights 
at home, at work and in public life.

Living Wage Foundation:  An independent movement of businesses, organisations and people who believe a fair day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay.

New Citizenship Project A social innovation ‘lab’ promoting the role of the citizen and encourage better participation in society.

Peoples Assembly Against Austerity:  A broad united national campaign against austerity, cuts and privatisation in workplaces, community and welfare services.  

The Peter Tatchell Foundation:  Seeks to promote and protect the human rights of individuals, communities and nations, in the UK and internationally.

P2P: Foundation  A global network of researchers, activists, and citizens monitoring and promoting actions geared towards a transition to a Commons-based society.

Positive Money The movement for a fair, democratic and sustainable money system.

Republic Campaign: Campaigning for a Democratic Alternative to the Monarchy

Resolution Foundation:  A non-partisan think-tank that works to improve the living standards of those in Britain on low to middle incomes.

Unlock Democracy:  A grassroots campaign for democratic and Parliamentary reform, reconnecting politics with ordinary people.

Veterans for Peace:  A voluntary ex-services organisation who collectively have served in every war that Britain has fought since WW2. They say: ‘War is not the solution’.

Political Organizations

The Green Party (UK)  Aiming to create a just, equitable and sustainable society. The Greens believe that the hereditary principle should have no place in government

Women’s Equality Party  Campaigning for equal representation in politics, business and industry. Pressing for equal pay and an equal opportunity to thrive.

Radical & Democratic Forums

Compass: A forum which aims to foster a society which is much more equal, sustainable and democratic than at present

The Leveller:  A progressive independent media website based in London, UK and Washington, DC. Sections on current affairs, culture and opinion.

Open Democracy: Described as a digital commons space. An independent, public interest, not-for-profit site for debate on democratic change.

Radical History

Bristol Radical History Group:  Aims to open up the ‘hidden’ history of Bristol and the West Country to public scrutiny and challenge commonly held ideas about past events.

British Library: Taking Liberties:  An online exhibition highlighting the historic struggle for Britain’s freedoms and rights.

British Library: Dreamers and Dissenters:  An online exhibition which introduces some of the visionaries, dissenters and rule breakers of past centuries.

Chartism & The ChartistsA website devoted to  The People’s Charter, the most famous and important radical manifesto published in nineteenth century Britain.

East End Women’s Museum  A project to record, represent and amplify women’s histories in the East End of London.

Kate Willoughby:  Actor and writer of To Freedom’s Cause play about the life of suffragette Emily Wilding Davison; co-organizer of #Emilymatters social media campaign.

Levellers Day: Levellers Day commemorates the 1649 execution of 3 leveller soldiers at Burford in Gloucs and is dedicated to learning the lessons of history.

National Civil War Centre: A £5.4 million centre dedicated to one of the most important periods in English and British history

Peoples History MuseumLocated in Manchester it aims to engage, inspire and inform diverse audiences by showing ‘There have always been ideas worth fighting for’.

Rochdale Pioneers Museum: Dedicated to preserving the original store of the Rochdale Pioneers and generating an understanding of the ideals of the Co-operative movement.

William James Linton: A site dedicated to the great 19th Century republican W.J. Linton. Part of the excellent Gerald Massey memorial site run by Ian Petticrew.

Writers and Journalists

Paul Mason: An independent writer, broadcaster and journalist with a radical view of economics


Verso Books:  The largest independent, radical publishing house in the English-speaking world, publishing one hundred books a year.

The Levellers Press: A US publisher which aims to provide a vehicle for authors whether they publish their work or help in a self-publishing effort.

UK Constitutional Resources

History of Parliament:  A research project creating a comprehensive account of parliamentary politics in England, then Britain, from its origins in the thirteenth century.

United Kingdom Parliament: Official site of the UK Parliament. Vast resource with copies of all Parliamentary Acts. Don’t just believe the politicians – check for yourself!